Thursday, 14 May 2009

This is so crazy to get all the things really tired and looking forward for this transition period to be over asap. So I already moved out of my apartment and staying with Jane at her place, there's also her cousin Marsha. It's actually kind of cool to live 3 girls in one apartment :-)
Today it was my last day in Moscow office, I bought some desserts and had little after lunch dessert break. The main farewell is tonight at Temple Bar just near Krylatskoe, I'm expecting around 25-30 people: friends, ex-collegues from EERP, collegues from InBev...can't wait...Think I'll get drunk and forget about all these problems I've been facing last days...Tomorrow 5.30 I'm leaving for the airport and at 21.20 the plane is taking me to CHINA!!! Still hard to believe it and can't picture myself in Shanghai yet!


Jane said...

Going to miss you =(

Mashenka said...

me too, sis!

Shanghai Fish said...

Hello Maria,
while you're literally in Shanghai, me I'm a socio-political blogger in Malaysia who accidentally became Shanghai-fish (I have actually written a couple of postings on "why Shanghai?" ...if you check in my archives).
Anyways since we're both somehow linked with 'Shanghai'....I'm gonna link your blog in my blogroll.
Have a productive stay and btw how long is your stay there? Have fun and go easy on the vodka the time you read this you'd actually be in Shanghai already.
Cheers !